Join Dr. Julie Monica’s New Online Course MetaBasics: COOL THE BURN!
Hello, Dr. Monica here. Are you eating on a daily basis and still feeling the burn? Are you getting that feeling of reflux in your upper GI here? Not being able to swallow, and all you have from your doctor is something that comes out of the medicine cabinet? I’m here to tell you that you can dramatically make a difference to that situation with foods.
Now many of you know that, that if you don’t eat certain foods, stay away from them, you’re going to have a better outcome that day. But are you aware of all the foods that, even on a low level, contribute to your overall acid and create that situation? Are you aware of the foods that actually can, if you’re eating a good quantity of them, allow the tissue to heal? Well, I’m here to tell you how to do that.
You know, I’m always saying better outcomes from better intakes. So now I’m going to show you how I am thrilled to tell you about my new digital course and community that I’ve put together. It’s called MetaBasics.
I have put together exclusive video content, resources, and tools. I’ve put together some demonstrations, as well as food videos of stuff you’re gonna want to know and you’re gonna love.

Join MetaBasics To Eliminate The Problem Of Upper GI Issues
I have to say as a clinical nutritionist in a practice that we’ve had for over about 10 years, we have treated hundreds of people with this upper GI issues and we have made an impact on their condition, lowered their needs for medications and, in many cases, abolished the need for medications. And we have had such good outcomes.
By having this course at your fingertips, you’re going to have the information there ready and available to you. You’re also going to connect with like minded people that are striving for holistic answers to chronic illnesses. We also have videos that we’re going to do bi monthly – they are going to be live and learn zoom calls. And it’s going to include real science, and we’re going to do it so that you can apply it and understand it.