“Cool The Burn”
It All Starts Here – Relieve Your Digestion and Gut Issues!
Put Out The Fire Of Acid Reflux! Access Dr. Monica’s Gerd & More, Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition Course.

Experience our proven pathways to upgrade your health.
Join us in our group health, on-line setting that provides convenient learning and support.
Become part of our community.
Have direct and continuous access to Dr. Monica’s comprehensive, cutting edge nutrition modules that provide you with holistic, doable approaches to chronic issues.
Every day I was seeing patients with maldigestion along with many other effects like difficulty swallowing and burning – it’s part of so many reported health issues. This is what guided us to create Cool The Burn, the first MetaBasics course. When you address this you create so many other positive body benefits. Most often there is weight loss.
When we truly intake more alkaline foods it gets us back to eating better, everyday foods and more fruits and veggies that are not creating an “acid” response. With our simple concepts and tools moving to a place of better, daily eating and upper GI comfort is here now.
Find Powerful Support In Your Journey To Achieve Metabolic Health
Dr Monica created and designed a learning platform with the best, most impactful, wholistic information and tools. Metabasics empowers you to be metabolically marvelous! All you need is the knowledge.
Build Your Health With

Exclusive Community
Start getting the support and interaction you need from our on-line community to stay on track with your daily, health objectives. – Be part of our MetaBasics movement.

Get Support
Learn at your own pace from each of the digital course subjects. Dr Monica has created exclusive videos to provide you with comprehensive, nutritional approaches for chronic health issues.

Group Video Sessions
Our Live-In-Learn calls are for you. They enhance and support your journey. Gather with us bi-monthly for guidance, to get your questions answered and keep with all the new info.
Metabasics Members Have Access To:
- Exclusive educational videos that will address the most common issues in our “Metabasics” community and that describe the best nutritional and holistic approaches for your better outcomes.
- A growing community of health minded people like you. Get in on the conversation.
- Live- N- Learn Zoom Video calls that all members can be part of twice a month.
- Continuous releases of new videos and with complete access to community discussions to achieve a “Meta – plus status”!
- Access to original downloadable resource tools.
The Course Kicks Off With Zoom Calls!
These VIDEO-CALLS are FREE and give you insight to this Condition and Our Program.
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