Learning Center

  • Does Tea Count as Part of my Water Intake?

    Does Tea Count as Part of my Water Intake?

    More research on hydration actually has to be done but – Yes. Other heavily caffeinated coffees and teas and especially sugary juices and sodas are not included here. The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition dispels the common belief that non-caffeinated, green and herbal teas dehydrate. These teas do not dehydrate and also contain potent polyphenols…

  • What does nutrition have to do with Hypothyroidism? – A lot!

    What does nutrition have to do with Hypothyroidism? – A lot!

    Hypothyroidism disease is becoming one of the most common auto immune (AI) conditions we see today. Patients seek my clinical counseling for this problem or we discover with testing, that it is in fact a part of a patients’ challenge to some degree. This equates altogether to approximately 25% of my practice, overall. A very…

  • Is Broth the New Black?

    Is Broth the New Black?

    What’s all the buzz? – A functional food with value and whose time has come. This hot, clear satisfying liquid provides 20 gms. of protein in just 16 ozs. The broth comes in a powder or liquid form and is often combined with sage, ginger, curry and other herbs in these prepared products. It’s available…

  • Not Your Typical Weight Loss

    Not Your Typical Weight Loss

    This is probably not the first article that you have read on weight loss so let me get right down to the point, the focus of my approach with my patients; I address weight loss as much as I address the factors of “dis – ease”. These are the physical, endocrine, gastrointestinal and neurological factors…

  • Fat and Oil Consumption – What’s Wrong?

    Fat and Oil Consumption – What’s Wrong?

    Healthful, non-animal fats are oils; nut oils, sesame and most popular, olive oil. These are for sautéing which means lower cooking temperatures and coconut and avocado oils for higher and frying temperatures. Vegetable oils which we see most often in commercial foods, soy, corn, canola and even cottonseed oil and other blended vegetable oils are…

  • Glycemic Index: A Closer Look

    Glycemic Index: A Closer Look

    We’ve all heard the term Glycemic Index Factor (GIF) but what is it really and what are its clinical applications for managing chronic, degenerative diseases? As the term GIF does not contain the word diet, it is not a diet. It is a way to measure foods’ carbohydrate content. Any food that contains carbohydrates has…