Safety Disclaimer – Start Here

Please Read Before Starting These Video Classes

Our course material contains information on health parameters that was created for educational purposes only. Any of the information you may use in these courses is solely and expressly at your own risk

MetaBasics and Dr. Julie Monica, and related companies and outlets assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions relating to any content or Information provided by MetaBasics in its entirety.

Do not use any of our information: – 

  • As a substitute for professional medical advice and/or diagnosis or any associated treatment. 
  • to postpone obtaining professional advice from your health care provider in relation to anything you have been provided in this course.

Our MetaBasics’s group membership in its entirety including videos, articles, podcasts and any other information contained herein and put forth on health, nutrition, supplements, fasting or any health or dietary approach is never intended as medical advice. 

Consulting with a medical professional before starting our or any dietary regime, supplements, programs or approaches is advisable. If you have chronic disease issues or any health concerns consulting a qualified practitioner is strictly advisable before proceeding.